Why Us?

Welcome to Human Architects!

You are not alone!

What keeps you up at night is also afflicting everyone inside and outstide your industry.

In fact, 93% of organizations are concerned about employee retention. (Linkedin Learning, 2023).

Competing with salaries, benefits, perks, and alternate work arrangements is becoming increasingly difficult. Research indicates that those have little impact on retention and employee satisfaction.

Becoming a preferred employer

The number one way organizations are trying to position themselves as a preferred employer is by providing their employees with learning opportunities (Linkedin Learning, 2023).

Focusing on developing your people increases retention and also increases their productive contributions.

Most individual contributors, team members, and leaders will say that they want to be developed.

In fact here is what employees have to say:

94% of employees state that they would stay with an organization longer if they were being developed. And 74% of workers claim that lack of development is what is holding them back from unleashing thier full potential.

(Team Stage (2023). Employee training statistics” Cost of progress in 2023. https://teamstage.io/training-statistics/

Developing people is a win-win!

Well-equipped and developed employees take charge of their work, become problem-solvers, garner more autonomy, and impact the culture positively. They are more apt to mentor and support their colleagues.

All of this leads to motivation. Motivation comprises autonomy, mastery, and a sense of purpose through one’s work. (Pink, D. 2011)

So why are you not getting excellent retention and impact from your PD?

Every business, every school district, every organization, and every leader will profess that they value and are making a concerted effort to develop their people.

We know that:

Organizations in the United States spend an average of 16% of their budgets on employee training and development. This equates to over $83 billion dollars being this year.

Bingham, S. (2022). More training won’t solve your company’s problems. Harvard Business Review https://hbr.org/2022/02/more-training-wont-solve-your-companys-problems

Assess Your Current PD Efforts


If you are not able to check all the boxes, then Human Architecting your people development efforts is going to make a significant contribution to your culture, goals, and bottomline.

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What makes us confident about Human Architects?

Foundation of Our Services

At Human Architects, we understand that professional development needs to level up. Traditional PD serves a purpose. But when there is an urgent need to move the needle on building resilience, scaffolding better teaming, and unleashing impact, then it is time to do something differently!

Magnificent Workforce

We start with the premise that the people you have hired have what it takes to be excellent – to excell at solving challenges and meeting organizational goals. They just need a little support.

Adult Learning

We provide learning, engagement, and development that aligns with theories and principles of educational psychology and adult learning to ensure growth and improvement. Developing the whole person is foundational to our practices.

Coaching Approach

Buy-in and making connections to past experiences and future desired state is crucial for adult learning. Our coaching approach allows adult learners to be in the driver’s seat of their own learning to enable transformation.


We focus on personal and professional growth progression through three sequenced pillars: (1) build capacity, (2) scaffold collaboration, and (3) unleash confidence. An intentional, strategic, continuous cycle of people development is the new model for talent development. It is the approach that will unleash the potential in everyone.

Tailored Services & Ideal Implementation

We offer tiered services with varying time, cost, engagement, and impact levels, from keynotes or workshops to full-scale group, team or leader coaching. Our pre- and post-assessments and high-touch implementation position your organization for success in talent development.


We are confident in our work and promise. We have a proprietary process to maximize how we deliver your desired results. We use quantitative and qualitative data so that you can evaluate your short and long-term ROI on our services.


Linkedin Learning (2023). 2023 Workplace Report: Building the agile future. https://learning.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/learning/en-us/pdfs/workplace-learning-report/LinkedIn-Learning_Workplace-Learning-Report-2023-EN.pdf

Pink., D. (2011). Drive: The Surprisng truth about what motivates us.